The Art of Deconstruction, Orion Magazine, January | February 2008, page 9
Order in the Chaos, Libby Peters, Surface and Symbol, January | February 2008, page 4 & 5
Performance underneath the Gardiner Expressway, Diversity Section, Toronto Sun, May 24, 2007, page 78
It's Art, but it’s fun, see? Terrence Dick, Globe and mail, July 8, 2006, M2
Doing double duty with Nightshift, Stephanie Dickison, Surface and Symbol, Dec. 2005/Jan. 2006, page 3
From Kipling, Queen, Warden, Finch, a moment in the life of 69 subway riders, Toronto Star, July 19, 2005, B1
House and Home, May 2005, page 20 (supplement).
Taide pehmentaa urheilupaikkojen raakalautaa ja betonia Raumalla, Satakunnan Kansa, Sept 21, 2004
Un sonador que pinta paredes, La Hora, Quito, June 14, 2002, Page A4
Kiss Machine, the Disposable issue, 2005.
Every picture has a story. Wooster Collective. Dec. 28, 2006
Do you ever get a sense that someone is watching you? Peter Goddard, slideshow, Toronto Star, week of Dec. 17, 2005